Wednesday, 16 April 2008

new memmbers and monsters

i have found a new character list on wikipiediea introducing new members of the team.
also the monster list i gave you was falty and i need to re-do it.
In over news series 3 will have 10 episodes
character list:
Captain Becker (Ben Mansfield), a military agent and a presumed replacement for Ryan.
Sarah Page (Laila Rouass), an egyptologist.
Danny Quinn (Jason Flemyng), a policeman.
monster info list :
Dracorex was a pachycephalosaurid, but was stated in an interview with the show's creators as being a "dragon", and is set to appear in the third season being hunted by a medieval knight.
Giganotosaurus was a 45 ft Cretaceous carnivore, famous for being larger than the previously thought largest carnivore, Tyrannosaurus rex. Giganotosaurus is set to appear in the third series.
In an interview with Adrian Hodges and Tim Haines, they announced the third season would introduce a new creature known as the Pristichampas. He described it as a "Pumped up, running crocodile" and a bipedal crocodilian creature. It seems to be based on the real fossil crocodilian genus Pristichampsus, of which one species (P. rollinatii) was facultatively bipedal.
Titanis is (very) briefly mentioned an interview with Adrian Hodges and Tim Haines , where discussed how difficult it was to animate its feathers. It will presumably appear some time in Series 3, and is the second confirmed creature for the series.

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